Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan
NSK association is a union of Kazakhstan nuclear science and industry enterprises.
The main goal of the Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan is to achieve a broad knowledge in the field of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes for the development of the productive forces in the Republic of Kazakhstan and prosperity of its citizens.
30 april 2023
starts on February 8 and will last until April 12
17 april 2024
at the invitation of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)
30 november 2023
Series of educational events was held in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Our services
Photoreports on activities held by association
News, press releases, journal of association
© 2012 Association of "Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan"
Создание сайта – Интернет-агентство "Пантера"

Kazakhstan, Astana,
st. Kunaeva, 29/1 Building, floor 10, office 2

Tel. /Fax: +7 (7172) 34 86 96
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4 Chaikina str., office 19, 050020 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel. /Fax: +7 (727) 264-67-19
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