On March 7-9, 2016 the 17th meeting of coordinators within the Forum of Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) was held in Tokyo, Japan.

The meeting was organized by the Cabinet Office (CAO) of Japan and Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology of Japan. The participants of meeting were welcomed by JAEC chairman, Yoshiaki Oka.

The following FNCA 12 member-countries took part at the meeting: Australia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, China, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Thailand, Philippines, Japan as well as representatives from international organizations. The delegates are coordinators of Forum, projects managers and Regional Bureau Director of Regional Cooperation Agreement (RCA).

The issues were discussed within eleven sessions of the meeting:

- Key decisions of FNCA meeting at the level of ministers, held in December 2015;

- Cooperation of FNCA with international organizations, such as IAEA and RCA;

- Status, challenges and prospects of all FNCA projects development (radiation oncology, mutation breeding, radiation safety and radioactive wastes management, nuclear facilities security management systems, physical nuclear security and safeguards, human resources development, neutron-activation analysis, research reactors network, bio fertilizers, application of electron accelerators);

- Proposals to start new project on climate change research using nuclear technologies;

- Proposals on FNCA activity management upgrading.

On behalf of the Republic of Kazakhstan Erlan Batyrbekov, FNCA Coordinator from RK, Director General of RSE NNC RK and Sergey Berezin, FNCA project manager on physical nuclear security and safeguards from RK, Deputy Director General of RSE NNC RK took part at the meeting. The report “Kazakhstan. Nuclear Security and Safeguards” was presented. The report reflected the point that “within foreign policy priorities, Kazakhstan is presenting as nuclear-free-weapon state and promotes non-proliferation regime, peaceful use of atomic energy as well as the process of policy dialogue on efforts integrating for joint measures against the challenges and threats”.