Astana-based plant Astana Solar has produced 2 billion tenge worth of solar batteries, Tengrinews reports citing the public relations department of KazAtomProm, Kazakhstan national nuclear company. "Since its launch on December 25, 2012, the plant has produced 27 564 photoelectric modules totally worth 2 billion tenge. This amount equals to a 6.4 MW generating capacity. When fully loaded, the plant produces over 300 photoelectric modules a day," a representative of KazAtomProm said. According to the national company, since the beginning of bulk sales in June 2013, it has signed sales contracts for 15 413 solar modules (total generating capacity of 3.5 MW) with local enterprises and has signed intention agreements for another 1.4 MW worth of modules. The press-service added that Astana Solar was at its final stage of its adjustment and commissioning. The plan is to bring the plant to full capacity in the first quarter of 2014. Local Kazakh companies dominate the consumers pool of Astana Solar. "We are searching for an outlet to the foreign markets as well. We consider our neighbors and integration union partners our priority targets. The quality is the main advantage of our product, it meets most progressive standards and is based on the technologies of leading European producers," KazAtomProm said.