Today Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov has taken part at 5th meeting of Kazakhstan-Japan commission on economic cooperation in Astana. According to Massimov, as a result of 10 year talks the Governments of Kazakhstan and Japan will sign the agreement on investments.“The event is important for both countries. The agreement will provide safe investments in our country,” Massimov stated.Head of the Government also reminded that this year Kazakhstan has adopted law that provides foreign investors with additional opportunities including tax preferences.“Our cooperation is mutually beneficial. Japan has the highest technologies, and Kazakhstan owns natural resources,” Head of the Government added. Massimov stressed the promising areas as machine building, atomic industry, agriculture and cosmic sector.The Intergovernmental commission was attended by “Mitsubishi Corporation”, “Toshiba Corporation”, “ToyotaTsusho Corporation”, “The Japan Atomic Company”, “Marubeni Corporation”.
“Kazakhstan is the member of Economic Union and WTO, therefore this is the important factor for Japanese companies. Our country is a perfect place for Japanese investments, because the companies are able to produce goods here and export them to Russia, Central Asia, Western China,” Issekeshev told.According to the Minister, Kazakhstan ranks first among the neighbor countries in the rating of “business making”.He added that Kazakhstan took decision on creation of liberal conditions for foreign personnel, which was sensitive for Japanese companies.