During a working visit to France, a meeting of Director General E.G Batyrbekov and ITER Organization Director General Bernard Bigot was held.

Mr. Bigot informed about the current status of project for construction of international thermonuclear experimental reactor ITER, the results achieved and perspectives.

In its turn, a delegation from the National Nuclear Center of RK provided information on Kazakhstan Tokamak for Material Testing KTM, its technical characteristics and plans for its commissioning.

It was noted that Tokamak КТМ will be presented at the exhibition “Astana EXPO-2017” as one of the main exhibits.

ITER team members highly appreciated Tokamak KTM experimental capabilities, expressed their interest in conducting joint research at its base. The parties have identified concrete steps to organize cooperation in this direction.

Mr. Bigot also confirmed the participation of ITER team in membership of French delegation in “Astana EXPO-2017” exhibition.

At the end of the meeting, a tour for Kazakhstan delegation participants to ITER construction site was held.