Scientific-practical conference: “Radioactivity after Nuclear Explosions and Accidents: Consequences and Ways to Address the Problems” dedicated to 30th anniversary at Chernobyl NPP was held in SPA “Typhoon” in Obninsk (Russian Federation).

Al’mira Aidarkhanova, Head of Laboratory took participation on behalf of RSE NNC RK, who presented oral report: “Assessment of Water Bodies Radionuclide Contamination at the former Semipalatinsk Test Site” in the area of “Environmental Monitoring at the Locations Exposed to Radioactive Effects".

The Conference provided an opportunity to share the experiences in organization and radiation monitoring development in own countries, to discuss the review results concerning radioactive contamination of territories after nuclear explosions and accidents, including STS territory, after the accident at Chernobyl NPP and “Fukushima-1” NPP.

The excursion in museum of the world’s first NPP which is currently decommissioned was organized for delegation members from Belarus and Kazakhstan.