Conference on annual results of association “Nuclear society of Kazakhstan” (NCK) was held in Almaty. Representatives of enterprises, members of NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC, Atomic Energy Committee of the Ministry of industry and new technologies, RSE “National nuclear center” and others participated in the conference.
President of the Nuclear society of Kazakhstan – Chairman of the Management Board of NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC Vladimir Shkolnik opened a meeting. He started his speech with the tasks that were mentioned by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev in his annual state-of-the-nation address.
- Head of state has clearly expressed his attitude towards nuclear energy, saying that it should be done if we wish to hit top 30 of the most competitive countries of the world. And this is a special responsibility for us, considering that the Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan bands together the best engineers, best technologists, best universities, best scientific centers that operate in our country in the field of high technologies. It is our civil responsibility to Kazakhstan nation, our contribution into innovative development of our country, - noted the head of the Nuclear society.
While talking about the tasks of NSK, Vladimir Shkolnik called the management of enterprises for continuation of successfully commenced actions for the development not only nuclear sector but also an alternative energy, knowledge-intensive technologies and rare-earth industry. Chairman of the Management Board of NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC noted the necessity of promotion of green energy. «Nuclear energy is a pure energy, it is one of the types of green technologies. Who deals with green energy the same must deal with nuclear, solar and wind energy», - concluded Vladimir Shkolnik.
The results of NSK in 2013 were reported by executive director of association Natalia Zhdanova. Today 45 organizations are the members of NSK. The society works in the field of international cooperation, information support, cooperation with ecological NGOs, youths and population.
In July 2013 a round table “Future of nuclear energy and renewable energy sources” coinciding with the 20th anniversary of NSK association, was held. The event was organized at «ULBA Metallurgical Plant» JSC in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Representatives of enterprises which are the members of the Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan, as well as nuclear societies and organizations of the USA, Japan, Russia and France participated in the round table discussions.
In October, together with the Nuclear society of Russia, an international round table “Human being. Society. Nature. The role of women in formation of positive attitude towards nuclear technologies” was organized, during which the issues of ecology, health, radiation influence on human organism, particularly women’s and children’s. NSK made a report on its experience of work with public concerning the above issues.
Special attention should be made on joint efforts of enterprises of Kazatomprom and NSK in the field of public awareness. Association renders information support to events, issues topical booklets and journals, works with the population, and arranges ecological tours to the enterprises of Kazatomprom for NGOs.
Moreover, NSK certifies the specialists of related sector. Employees of NSK prepared 70 qualification tests and participated in certification of staff as independent experts.
Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan actively works with oncoming generation. Particularly, society organizes lectures, seminars, excursions for upper-form pupils and students. Thus, the course of lectures on radiation security was organized for children from villages, located near “Baiken-U” and “MG-6” enterprises. And for schoolchildren who live nearby the mine of “Baiken-U”, traditionally was organized technical tour to Astana with the visit to a new Schoolchildren’s Palace.
Participants of the Nuclear society decided to join the work on advanced studies not only among learners of schools and universities but also at the enterprises. «Indeed, we should give the possibility to the young people who are good in science to take corresponding degrees and qualification. It is necessary to deal with scientific and production activity» - said V.Shkolnik.
Chairman of Atomic Energy Committee of MINT RK T.Zhantikin, Deputy Director of “UMP” JSC V.Vakhnenko, General Director of NNC E.Batyrbekov, General Director of “MAEC-Kazatomprom” LLP S.Utibaev also made the reports at the conference.
In conclusion the members of NSK submitted their proposals to the 2014 Action plan. Among these proposals is arrangement of large-scale offsite ecological events, seminars for the employees of enterprises, as well as developing joint informational and training programs for learners.


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NAC Kazatomprom JSC