On November 6, 2014 Mr Shakhanov Beybut Maratkhanovich, Director of Waste Management Department, Ministry of Energy of RK, Member of the Republican Publicity Group met with members of the National Nuclear Center of RK. During the meeting Beibut Maratkhanovich told about realization of the Message of N.A. Nazarbayev to Kazakhstani nation “Kazakhstan’s Way-2050: Common Goal, Common Interests, and Common Future”.

Accent was made on instructions given by the Head of the State, concerning development of knowledge economy, “green economy”, “EXPO-2017” exhibition conduction, education system and social sphere development, state service reform.

The Head of the State, in his message to the nation placed high emphasis on Kazakhstani science potential rise. He ordered to increase financing step-by-step for specific developments and discoveries, profitable for the country. Nuclear engineering development prospects were also marked in the Message. To realize the Message agreement was signed between Kazakhstan and Russia in September 2014 on Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) construction at the territory of our country.

The international exhibition “EXPO-2017” will be conducted under the slogan “The Energy Future” in Astana and will highlight one of the exciting and actual themes, in which the World Society is concerned – alternative sources of energy. The international society must unite together efforts on reduction of greenhouse gases emission, introduction of energy-efficient technologies and global accessibility to stable electric power.

Great efforts are being made for national education quality improvement: “Nazarbayev Intellectual School” was established, “Nazarbayev University” operates successfully.

In social sphere starting from July 1, 2015 the new model of payment for labor of civil employees will be introduced, social package of educators, employees of health service and social security will be reconsidered.

During the meeting participants asked questions about supporting the young specialists, coming to Kurchatov. The state program “With Diploma to Village” does not work in Kurchatov, therefore moving expenses and other social benefits are not included in the budget of the town. Also proposal was received under “Affordable housing” program implementation to bring the price down to 50.0 – 80.0 thous. tenge for 1 m2 of housing for young people.

Beybut Shakhanov will bring all proposals to notice of corresponding state authority.
