Erlan Batyrbekov, General Director of RSE NNC RK, Participated in the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA)


In the period of November 18-19, 2014 Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia was held in Australia, Sidney city, organized by the Cabinet Secretariat of Japan and Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization.

The Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) was established by decision made by qualified specialists of Annual Conference, who set civil use of nuclear technologies and atomic energy as the basic task. Currently the Forum incorporates 12 member-countries, and our country became equal participant of FNCA in 2010.

Today cooperation within FNCA is carried along 11 directions, and Kazakhstan takes part in eight of them. These are – research reactors network, particularly, radiopharmaceuticals production, radiation ecology, safety system, physical protection, radiation safety and radioactive waste management, accelerators application, human resources development, neutron activation analysis.

Erlan Gadletovich in his speech at the Forum reported about consistent policy of our State concerning nuclear and radiation technologies application extension in different areas of national economy, science and medicine.

In 2014 policy decision was made on nuclear power plant construction in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Considering the fact, that Kazakhstan is the worldwide leader in Uranium mining, introduction of nuclear power engineering will enable to use fuel of domestic manufacture in NPP reactors, accordingly, the idea of transition from raw-material orientation in Uranium industry to production techniques with marginal costs will be implemented.

Also questions on highly enriched nuclear material decrease, control strengthening over radioactive sources, nuclear safety level upgrade, cooperation with IAEA and others were covered.

At the end of the speech, Erlan Batyrbekov noted: “We look for cooperation in the field of atomic power civil use with World Community and, in particular, with FNCA member-countries in the area of safety culture development, nuclear and radiation technologies application in medicine, and the rest issues of nuclear and radiation application, representing mutual interest”.