Many years’ experience in the area of scientific and technical support of RK policy in atomic power peaceful use, and availability of unique scientific and technical base became basis for receipt of 1 category license by the National Nuclear Center of RK for construction operations execution in sphere of architecture, town development and construction.

Up to the present moment NNC have had a similar license (I category) since 2014 permitting to implement project activity on architecture, town development and construction. And now enterprise is authorized to perform activity not only in the area of projecting, but also construction, installation operations and commissioning operations on objects of any responsibility level (including I (advanced) level).

Hazardous industrial objects, objects of nuclear power use (including nuclear facilities, nuclear materials, radioactive substances and wastes storing facilities), sites on wastes processing and toxic industrial wastes disposal of I, II and III hazard class, special buildings and constructions of heat-power engineering, 150 MW capability and above refer to above mentioned objects.

It should be noted, that enterprise possesses staff consisting of certified engineering and technician members executing project works and construction operations on objects of I (advanced) responsibility level corresponding to qualifying requirements (material and technical support, industrial base and so on) of the present category licensee.