An extraordinary congress of Nuclear industry workers’ union was held on January 29, 2015 in Astana, and was attended by the delegates of shopfloor union organizations, branch and local unions from nuclear industry enterprises.The Chairman of Nuclear industry workers’ union Kasymzhan Madiyev introduced the Agenda to the participants and conveyed the priority goals facing the sectoral union and relating to implementation of the Law “Concerning the trade unions”. The Law, adopted in June 2014, is aimed at strengthening the role and functions of the unions, achieving social stability in public, protection of social and economic rights and interests of workers and also has a key role in reforming of trade-union movement. Director of the Department of organizing, human resources and assets of the Federation of trade-union of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roza Kuanyshbayeva briefed the delegates of the congress about the principal provisions of the new law related to strengthening of trade union activity and answered the questions concerning the development of social partnership between the unions, government and business, occupational safety, etc. Union core group has made a decision to change the name of “Public association “Nuclear industry workers’ union” to “Public Association “Sectoral union of nuclear industry workers” (PA “SUNIW”) and to approve a new Charter of the organization. The delegates of the congress selected collegial and executive body of the Sectoral union of  nuclear industry workers. Sectoral Council included 16 members and Executive Committee included 10 members. Two delegates to participate in the XXIV congress of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan were selectedduring this meeting. An extraordinary congress adopted Resolutions on all agenda items. The chairman of the trade union K.Madiyev concluded the meeting by summarizing the results of the congress and expressed the hope that the tasks facing the sectoral union will be performed in full and in time, thus accelerating integration process in creation of great trade union in nuclear industry.