Doctors and students of the medical universities from 9 countries of the world arrived in Astana to participate in the 21st congress of the international movement “International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War”. The congress will take place in Astana on August 25-29. As earlier reported, on August 14, the participants of the event left Semey heading for Astana on bicycles. During their trip, they visited many different cities and rural districts. Today, they will participate in the two-day student’s conference “International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War”. The 21st world congress will be held on August 27-28. Its theme is “From a Nuclear Test Ban to a Nuclear Weapon Free World. Disarmament, Peace and Global Health in the 21st century”. Outstanding figures, scientists, politicians and students from Russia, USA, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, Philippines, Japan, Nigeria and other countries will visit Astana and take part in the event.