In January, 65 years old trade union committee of JSC "UMP". The history of the factory trade union originates from January 1950, when the first conference of the trade union organization. At that time were registered 312 union members. Today the union "UMP" JSC is a powerful organization of more than five thousand people, including pensioners plant. Its chairman is the fifth year is Vasily Semyonov. The structure of the organization consists of 25 primaries, which are headed by influential trade unionists in collectives. Many of the more than half a century of experience in trade union work is relevant in our day. One of the permanent priorities of the trade union committee continues to be health and safety, improving safety. Also, along with the production activities of the trade union has paid and continues to pay great attention to work with pensioners, youth, sports and culture. In the middle of last year, was adopted Law "On Trade Unions". And now the trade union activities, in addition to the basic work is aimed at the practical implementation of the new requirements in life.