At the invitation of the Energy Council, which unites members of legislative assemblies of 3 Canadian provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick), 12 American states (including Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico and other) and Venezuela, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Canada Konstantin Zhigalov attended the Conference "Trends in Energy and Environment 2014" that was held in Regina, the capital of the Canadian province Saskatchewan, on June 19-20 this year, the Kazakh MFA's press service.
The main objective of the Energy Council is to exchange of best practices and proven solutions on current energy issues. The Council also maintains close ties with the energy sector companies, academic circles and universities that demonstrate their new developments and highlight trends in the energy market.
The event, which was opened by the Chairman of the Energy Council, member of the Texas House of Representatives Mr. Wayne Smith, was attended by the Minister of Trade, Innovations and Tourism of Saskatchewan Jeremy Harrison, the mayor of Regina Michael Fougere, members of legislative assemblies of Alberta, Saskatchewan as well as aforementioned American States, heads of a number of think tanks and North American companies (including the world's largest uranium corporation "Cameco," as well as oil and gas companies such as "Enbridge Energy," "ExxonMobil," "Westport" and other). The Conference participants were welcomed by the Speaker of the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly Dan D'Autremont and the Lieutenant Governor Ms. Vaughn Schofield.
In his remarks during the plenary meeting, Ambassador Zhigalov told about Kazakhstan's socio-economic achievements, the priorities of the "Kazakhstan-2050" Strategy, the beginning of the second phase of the State Programme for Industrial and Innovative Development, a new package of measures aimed at improving the country's investment climate, the main directions of the development of the national oil and gas sector, the Kazakhstan-Canadian cooperation, including in the uranium area (where the Saskatchewan-based "Cameco Corporation" is the strategic partner of the national company "Kazatomprom"), and the preparations for the international exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana.
In the framework of the Conference, Ambassador Zhigalov also met with members of the Energy Council's Executive Committee, who were able to see a film about the Kazakhstan-Canadian cooperation, prepared by Kazakhstan's Embassy in Ottawa. During the interactive dialogue, members of parliaments from Canadian provinces as well as US senators highlighted Kazakhstan's growing role as an important player in the energy market and welcomed the country's initiatives on introducing a new package of preferences for investors, including the facilitation of the visa regime for the largest investors of the nation's economy.
As a result of the Conference, the sides agreed to continue the dialogue between the Energy Council and Kazakhstan, including in the framework of events organized in Canada and the United States.