Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement in connection with the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan's accession to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). It says that strengthening of the international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation is a priority in Kazakhstan's foreign policy. It is important to ensure efficient and balanced fulfillment of the NPT as the most essential international tool for global and regional stability, aimed at nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and cooperation in peaceful use of atomic energy. The country's position is that joint efforts are required to achieve the tasks of the Treaty. Over 20 years Kazakhstan has made a significant contribution to achieving the goals of the Treaty, namely, the closure of Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, removal of nuclear arsenal, creation of the nuclear free zone together with other Central Asian countries, active participation in the Nuclear Security Summit, launching of the ATOM Project. At Kazakhstan's initiative, the 64th UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution on proclaiming August 29 the International Day Against Nuclear Tests. Kazakhstan urges all the member states to reaffirm their commitment to the NPT, to implement the agreements reached, and offers those states that have not yet taken this step to join the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. The document also says that Kazakhstan stands for start of negotiations and for early development of the Treaty aimed at banning fissile materials' production, supports early development of the Convention on general and complete prohibition of nuclear weapons, and the UN Universal Declaration of Nuclear-Free World. It also supports creation of nuclear free zones, based on the arrangements, signed by the states. Kazakhstan also stands for early holding of the Conference on nuclear free zone in the Middle East. Kazakhstan, as an active supporter of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, confirms that it will continue to exert all efforts to promote peace, security and stability, strengthening the UN role in addressing global problems and new challenges of the XXI century.
