Kazakhstan pays to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) membership dues in the amount of 300 thousand euros per year. This information was reported at the briefing held in the service of the Central Communications, by the deputy chairman of the energy and atomic control and supervision of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic Timur Zhantikin. According to him, the distribution of membership fees is currently being made on the basis of the GDP of the country, in accordance with the principles of the United Nations.


"Every year we pay about 300 thousand euros refundable. In general, there is a target amount as the accepted regulation says about the non-increase of the budget of the IAEA" - he said.


He noted that on average about 100 representatives of Kazakh organizations every year improve their skills and train in the world's leading centers, as well as take part in conferences, training courses and seminars related to various applications of nuclear energy. All these activities are financed from the budget of the IAEA.


Recall that Kazakhstan was the 121th country to accede to the International Atomic Energy Agency, on February 14, 1994. Prior to this, on December 13, 1993 the country acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.


Then, on July 26, 1994, in accordance with the provisions of the Contract, an Agreement between Kazakhstan and the IAEA was signed in Almaty, which dealt with the application of safeguards in connection with the earlier signing of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. In accordance with this document relating to the application of safeguards to all nuclear activities Kazakhstan was left under IAEA safeguards.


On February 6, 2004 in Vienna, the Additional Protocol to the Agreement was signed, which clarifies the issue of safeguards. On February 19, 2007 the document was ratified by the Kazakh party, and on May 9 of the same year it entered into force.


As of February 2014 the members of the IAEA were 162 States.
