Abu Dhabi hosted the fourth session of the Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) with the participation of the governmental delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan delegation at IRENA was headed by the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources Nurlan Kaparov. Our country is a full member of this organization since 2013. However, it is not the first year, when we take active part in the development of the organization. Over one thousand delegates, building up the renewable energy development in the world, came to IRENA’s Assembly, which holds the Ministerial round tables, plenary sessions and technical meetings. Governmental delegations represent 151 world countries. During the opening ceremony the General Director of the International Renewable Energy Agency Adnan Amin summarized last year and also explained in his speech the approaches to renewable energy development prospects and the priority guidelines for 2014. According to General Director of the agency, many countries started applying program on energy consumption reduction, which positively impacts the economical growth and development of alternative energy. The culmination of the first day of the assembly was an execution of IRENA’s Global atlas, signed by ministers from 43 countries, which joined the organization in 2013.
