Today, on April 17, 2014, Kazatomprom and French company “Аreva” have given as a gift to the Schoolchildren’s Creative Palace in Astana an equipment for studying nuclear fuel cycle and alternative energetics. The dummy of the nuclear power station’s operation, the model of glove box which is used at nuclear fuel facilities as well as wind turbine model and the installation demonstrating solar- hydrogen technology produced in France will become the first visual aids for the learners of the specialized circle on the alternative energetics. Besides the Аreva presented to the Schoolchildren’s Creative Palace the videofilms demonstrating the operation of wind stations and biomass stations, brochures for studying of nuclear fuel cycle.
Vladimir Shkolnik, the Chairman of the Board of NAC Kazatomprom and Olivier Wantz, Senior Executive Vice-President of Areva cut off the symbolic band of the new interactive explosion. During the opening ceremony, Areva representative has delivered to the Director of the Schoolchildren’s Creative Palace, Mrs. Umsyn Arkabayeva, the information materials. According to Mr. Wantz they will be good aids for laboratory experiments and works on different types of energy. “I’m confident that such initiatives will give birth to vocation of the young people and give encouragement to their active participation in working out of energy solutions for our planet”. The work on equipment of the Schoolchildren’s Creative Palace is carried out in the context of the Order given by Nursultan Nazarbayev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, relative to creation of the National Interactive Park in Astana. One of the largest in the country center for cultural and cognitive development and education on the initiative of the Head of the State will become a platform for formation of scientific ideas, positive attitude and confidence to alternative energetics and nuclear technologies. - Today, when Kazakhstan is standing on the cusp of the great technological breakthrough, the schoolchildren play a special role. Over the years viewpoints of the today’s pupils about nuclear and renewable energy will define more apparently the public attitude. And what kind of this attitude will be largely depends on the vision of the industry that children get already now. Using game techniques, creating positive atmosphere, engaging senior pupils in the cognitive process, we lay the foundation for the future of our country and energy sector,” – the Head of Kazatomprom, Vladimir Shkolnik said.

PR Department,
NAC Kazatomprom JSC