On December 20, the production of photovoltaic cells – converters of solar energy into electric energy, was started up at the plant of Kazakhstan Solar Silicon LLP (subsidiary of NAC Kazatomprom) in Ust-Kamenogorsk. The commissioning was started by Nursultan Nazarbayev, the President of the Republic in the course of nationwide telebridge within the framework of Industrialization Day’s celebration. Kazakhstan Solar Silicon plant is the most technology intensive stage of innovative project for development of KazPV solar energy in Kazakhstan which was launched in Kazatomprom in 2010 by order of the Head of the State. Under KazPV project the commercial production of Kazakhstan quartz, its processing and production of first-grade quality silicon is carried out in Ushtobe, and the plant for production of solar modules has been operating from December, 2012, in Astana. New plant in Ust-Kamenogorsk will manufacture solar silicon ingots with their further cutting into bricks and plates producing finally photovoltaic cells – the main component of solar module. The plant capacity is no less than 60 MW or 16,5 million of photovoltaic cells annually. According to Vasiliy Lee, the Director General of Kazakhstan Solar Silicon, “it can be compared with annual construction of one thermal power station.” The start up of the plant will allow creating of 440 new jobs.

PR Department Kazatomprom