On October 30, 2014, Dimitri Garikov, the mayor of Kurchatov city, met with RSE NNC RK young scientists and specialists in the conference hall of National Nuclear Center of RK. This event took place in informal surrounding “without ties”. Yong people discussed issues of their interest. Summarizing the results of previous meeting, mayor of the city noted that much has been done based on the wishes of young scientists and specialists but there is insignificant initiative from young people. Thus, issues of development of long-term program to implement youth policy and development concepts of Kurchatov city as science city have still not been resolved. At the request of young scientists, more cultural and sport activities were conducted at the weekends but young people do not actively participate in them. They also do not use gym halls which it is possible to visit for free at any convenient time. Zhanat Baigazinov, a representative from Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, RSE NNC RK thanked mayor of the city on behalf of meeting participants for attention which governmental bodies give to issues of youth policy development and in its turn specialists of enterprise will not be neglected and are ready to take part in youth activities. The participants of the meeting proposed to conduct thematic evenings one in a month, to allocate resources from local budget to implement government social order which will attract nongovernmental organizations in city. And the first state social order will be used to carry out detailed social survey and the result of which will be preparing of “Passport of Kurchatov Young People”. Coming to the end of the meeting, Dimitri Garikov announced the prospects of city development, intended rehabilitation activities, landscape gardening, construction of new school and open-air museum.
