October 20, 2015 meeting of General Director of RSE NNC RK, Mr. E.G. Batyrbekov, activists of veteran organizations of the National nuclear center of RK with the Executive Director of the organization of veterans of nuclear science, energy and industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - UNEP) R. Akhmetov.

The meeting discussed the tasks and activities of UNEP, interaction with industry enterprise, forms of cooperation.

It was noted that the main objective of veteran organization is to promote the protection of economic, social, employment and other rights and legitimate interests of veterans, as well as a more complete, if possible, use the life experiences of veterans to address key challenges in the nuclear industry.

"We hire veterans to participate in Patriotic education of youth, passing her the best traditions of the industry, patronizing schools, create museums, are the most active participants in the industry", said Mr. R. Akhmetov.

The participants of the meeting agreed that the work of veteran organizations is a very important factor in the further development of the nuclear industry.