The transaction on acquisition by «NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC of 40% of ordinary shares of «Caustic» JSC is completed. Transaction for acquisition of shares of «Caustic» JSC is made under the implementation of the instruction of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev on establishing of full chemical cluster based upon free economic zone «Pavlodar». At the facilities of «Caustic» JSC it is planned to establish a number of import-substituting productions related to «NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC’s activity. Specifically, it is suggested to fabricate of own caustic soda and hydrogen peroxide, used at uranium mining and processing, as well as chlorine for the production of rare and rare-earth metals and reagents. Besides, it is planned to establish reagents production for portable water treatment and bacterial purification based upon advanced international technology transfer. - Kazakhstan chemical industry is a perspective segment of economics. «NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC’s participation in «Caustic» JSC’s project will promote not only economic efficiency upgrading of Kazatomprom enterprises’ operation and expansion of products line, but, within the instructions of the Head of state, will become a contribution to the development of science and technical potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Deputy Chairman of «NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC Mr. Nurlan Ryspanov commented upon the transaction. Mr. Erlan Orymbekov, Chairman of the Management Board of «Caustic» JSC noted that joining of the national atomic company to shareholders structure of «Caustic» JSC is an emblematic event both to the plant and to the development of chemical industry in general. - This transaction promotes new jobs creation in this region. Today’s event is a vivid model of state and private partnership within the implementation of State Forced Industrial and Innovation Development Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, – stated the head of «Caustic» JSC.