On May 14, 2015 Meeting of the East-Kazakhstan Regional Council for Innovation and New Technologies was hold in Technopark “Altay” under the chairmanship of Daniyal Akhmetov, EKR Mayor.

Before the meeting, there was an exhibition-presentation of innovation ideas and scientific potential of East Kazakhstan, at which Innovation Project “Construction of Tokamak KTM Thermonuclear Fusion Facility” of the National Nuclear Center of RK was also presented.

Erlan Gadletovich Batyrbekov, Director General of RSE NNC RK made speech at Council meeting:

- Today Tokamak KTM is in demand among the world scientific community, our Project will become brilliant and representative object at Exhibition EXPO-2017 “Energy of the Future”. KTM facility will make it possible to solve a very wide range of functions within the framework of the program on controlled thermonuclear fusion development by mankind. Without going into details it can be said, that, first of all, material research tasks. These are – unique engineering solutions, development of innovation technologies such as long lived high-level wastes utilization and construction of hybrid subcritical reactors.

It should be noted, that in spite of deficiency of project financing since 2010, commissioning and start-up operations are conducted at Tokamak KTM site at the expense of NNC RK in order to reduce terms for KTM facility preparation to physical start-up and KTM complex introduction into service.

Project promotion was considerably succeeded in the first half of 2015 year - operations on Project FS and DED correcting, search of potential sponsor in countries of near and far abroad were carried out to complete works on Tokamak KTM construction.

For reference. Council for Innovation and New Technologies EKR was established in 2010 to coordinate innovation development in East-Kazakhstan Region and join together innovators of the region. The council is a consultative and advisory body, the work of which is directed at strengthening of cooperation between participants of innovation activity in East Kazakhstan, as well as coordinate activity of innovation infrastructure objects in the region –“Altay” Technopark, Park of Nuclear Technologies, Designing Department, SEC “Ertis”.