The President met with the heads of foreign diplomatic missions accredited in Kazakhstan.

Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed creating a new system of international security, correspondent reports.

He reminded of the idea of creating a common indivisible Euro-Atlantic Eurasian security community, proponed by Kazakhstan in December 2010 at the OSCE Summit, which was supported back then.

He believes it to be most relevant now. In light of the XXI century challenges and threats he proposes to start developing a conceptually new agreement, similar to the Helsinki acts of 1975, envisaging creation of a new security system based on mutual interests, implementation of the OSCE Astana Declaration principles.

Most effective way to security, according to Nazarbayev, is a close economic cooperation. Mutual economic sanctions of the West and Russia, he said, exacerbate an already difficult situation in the global economy, worsen the situation of the countries and the peoples.

Kazakhstan as a member of the international community is no exception, he said. - In this regard, it is important that adopted in Minsk on February 12 declaration envisions commitment to the idea of creating a common economic space from the Atlantic to the Pacific. For its part, Kazakhstan is committed to the expansion of foreign economic relations and regional integration. On January 1, 2015 the Treaty on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union took effect. For the first time in Eurasia, an economic union was created with a powerful resource potential, with well-developed transport, energy system. Dozens of countries have expressed interest in the creation of free trade zones, which points to EEU attractiveness.

An important achievement, the President added, was completion of negotiations between Kazakhstan and the European Union on a new partnership agreement. "This year we hope to join the World Trade Organization, which will help enhance the external trade ", - Nursultan Nazarbayev concluded.