President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev took part in the plenary session of the III Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague. The forum in Hague has assembled leaders of over 50 countries and of several international organizations. Among them is the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping , German Chancellor Angela Merkel , British Prime Minister David Cameron and others. The nuclear issue is becoming most relevant given an increasing risk of nuclear terrorism in the world, and it is no accident that the forum's agenda included three main topics: first- reduction of stockpiles of hazardous radioactive materials - highly enriched uranium and plutonium , which can be used for making nuclear weapons, and reducing the number of sites where they are stored, second- improving the protection of the sites, and the third - strengthening of international cooperation in nuclear safety. Addressing the plenary session of the summit, President Nursultan Nazarbayev expressed his appreciation to the Government of the Netherlands and personally to the Prime Minister Mark Rutte for the warm reception and the organization, and praised the initiative of U.S. President Barack Obama of holding the global summits on nuclear security. Kazakhstan is consistently advocating the global nuclear safety, he said, calling for more work in the four main directions: first- general and complete nuclear disarmament as the only guarantee of nuclear safety, second-countering nuclear terrorism and eradicating its foundations, third - further enhancement of the IAEA role and fourth - creation of new nuclear-free zones, including in the Middle East. President said we hope for early signing by the nuclear five nations of protocol to provide negative security assurances to participants of the Treaty on Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone, in Central Asia. Kazakhstan is 15th at present in the nuclear materials safety index, contributive to which is its political and economic stability, proper legislation and anti-corruption efforts.
