Second in the country Oncology Center is to be built Astana, applying radiological treatment, Nursultan Nazarbayev told the briefing tallying up the visit to East Kazakhstan region, cites the Akorda reporting.

"Semey is located in the place, where for over forty years nuclear tests had been made, affecting many people. Now the city’s medical facilities and their equipment are among the best in Kazakhstan. I have been to the country's only radiological center of cancer treatment. The like center will be built in Astana, "- he said.

The President made a mention of the currently abuilding businesses, meeting environmental standards.

"I have visited the Kazzinc company, which produces a large volume of products for export such as zinc, lead, copper, gold, silver. One of the main issues to be addressed in Ust-Kamenogorsk industry is environmental friendliness," he said.

In conclusion, Nazarbayev wished the region’s residents success and welfare.