In total, more than 3,000 people participated in the activity, including representatives of labour collectives, industrial enterprises of the region, ethnocultural associations, veterans, and also students of higher educational institutions and colleges of Ust-Kamenogorsk city.These facts were noted by participants and visitors of the activity, that was attended by a world famous poet Olzhas Suleimenov, an actor of theatre and cinema, producer, winner of the CIS premium «Commonwealth’s Stars» Asanali Ashimov and the first cosmonaut Toktar Aubakirov, deputies of Mazhilis of the Parliament RK. The special book was published within the framework of the activity «Mangilik El» that will be passed on from one district to another, as the patriotic activity goes. On pages of the big book Kazakhstani can express their support to the national idea. Ones of the first to make records in the book were the poet Olzhas Suleimenov and the master of Kazakhstan cinema Asanali Ashimov. All together we’ll provide the direct road of Kazakhstan to the prospering future, - he expressed confidence. Also, within the framework of the forum, Akimat of East Kazakhstan region signed memorandums with three enterprises – “Kazzinc” Ltd, “UMP” JSC, “UK TMP” JSC.

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