On May 25 during the Meeting of Scientific and Technical Council under the chairmanship of Erlan Gadletovich Batyrbekov, Director General, issues on scientific, financial and economic activity of RSE NNC RK for 5 months, including implementation of international agreements and contracts, key moments of further development of the enterprise were considered.

In the current day the National Nuclear Center continues to work successfully as in 2014. 2 science and technology programs are currently being implemented only in area of nuclear power engineering and more than 10 off-budget international projects. Off-budget projects are being implemented in collaboration with Japan, USA, Russia and Belgium. Contract for joint work with France concerning additional research of SAIGA experimental program implementation possibility is developed and discussed.

Beside applied research operations, conducted at reactor facilities, test benches and Tokamak KTM, radiation safety and complex ecological survey is provided at the territory of Semipalatinsk Test Site, and adjacent to STS territories.

From September 2014 up to date continuous research of ecological situation in Kalachi settlement are carried out. 109 contracts are concluded on medical diagnostic x-ray equipment operational parameter control.

In 2015 “Baikal” affiliated enterprise commenced fulfillment of treaty obligations on Waste Management Facilities of “Kazzink” Ltd. Works are carried out in compliance with technological process, industrial wastes are accepted, unloaded, transported and stored in landfill cells.

This year is rather successful in view of grant-financed project implementation, received from Ministry of Education and Science of RK. Researches are carried out upon 9 themes in preference “Power Engineering and Machine Building” and upon 7 themes in preference “Rational Use of Natural Resources, Raw Material and Product Handling”.

Highly qualified personnel training is the most important condition for the development of the National Nuclear Center. New chair “Ecology and Environment Protection” is established, scientific, engineering, technical personnel training and retraining is organized, as well as close cooperation with leading higher institutions of Kazakhstan and near and far abroad is established.

Besides research operations will be continued in 2015 on promotion and implementation of such important projects as construction of Republican Center for Complex Dosimetry, Republican Center for Radioactive Waste and Ionizing Radiation Source Reprocessing and Disposal, Kazakhstan Material Testing Reactor Tokamak KTM. New biological building opens in July.