Askar Zhumagaliyev, CEO of Kazatomprom, attended annual symposium of the World Nuclear Association (WNA), held in the capital of the Great Britain.

Within the framework of the symposium the Head of National Atomic Company held a number of bilateral negotiations with foreign partners. Particularly, Askar Zhumagaliyev had meeting with Tim Gitzel, President of Cameco, Olivier Wantz, AREVA Senior Executive Vice-President, Vasili Konstantinov, President of Uranium One, etc. During this meeting, they discussed various aspects of mutually beneficial cooperation in the sphere of nuclear power. It should be noted, that Kazatomprom has long-term and productive relationships with these companies.

The Head of Kazakhstan National Atomic Company invited his colleagues to take part in the international specialized exhibition Astana EXPO-2017 and present their innovation technologies aimed at meeting energy challenges.

At the end of his trip, Askar Zhumagaliyev visited specialized international exhibition held under WNA symposium where Kazatomprom presented its stand and saw expositions of nuclear enterprises.

WNA specialized forum is the largest communication platform offering to the participants the possibility to establish business contacts, strengthen further mutually beneficial cooperation, discuss topical issues of nuclear industry. The event was attended by over 600 people from 30 countries of the world represented by officers and members of state bodies, international and public organizations and the world leading companies in the field of nuclear power.
