Annual reporting meeting of Kazatomprom management with its staff took place on March 11, 2015 in Astana. The reporting meeting was attended by the representatives of the Union of employees of nuclear industry and Corporate fund “Center of social partnership” of JSC “SWF “Samruk-Kazyna”.

Kazatomprom’s CEO Nurlan Kapparov reported on the outcomes of the work of 2014 and tasks for 2015, including the issues of social responsibility.

– In 2014, Kazatomprom’s enterprises produced 22,8 thous. tons of uranium, meeting the projected targets. Kazakhstan kept its leading position in the world uranium mining industry, providing about 40% of the world’s total uranium production. In 2015 the company plans to produce 23,4 thous. tons of uranium, - noted the head of the national company.

Performing the production tasks, Kazatomprom remains committed to the principles of corporate social responsibility. Principal area of the company’s activity is strengthening of human resource, development of efficient motivation system, creation of conditions for human resource development, improvement of occupational level of its staff and working conditions.

– Average monthly salary in Kazatomprom’s enterprises has increased in 2014 by 5,8%. As part of staff training, 295 students are trained on related for the industry and the region courses out of Kazatomprom funds. Upon completion of training they will be employed at the enterprises of nuclear industry. Almost 20 thousand employees of Kazatomprom enterprises have been retrained in 2014,- noted N.Kapparov.

Company’s enterprises on a regular basis improve social stability among the employees and take measures to create favorable psychological climate.

Nurlan Kapparov highlighted Kazatomprom’s positioning as socially responsible company, one of the priorities of which is the development of social area and implementation of social projects.

In South-Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, East-Kazakhstan and Mangystau oblasts more than KZT 2,5 billion were appropriated for maintenance of social infrastructure to establish comfortable living environments in uranium mining villages, increase cultural level of the inhabitants, organize leisure of employees from Kazatomprom’s group enterprises.

On a regular basis Kazatomprom enterprises take actions to improve safety and security measures at the places of production. Last year the number of detected violations of occupational and industrial safety requirements dropped by 28% compared to 2013.

In 2014, Kazatomprom enterprises continued to ensure ecological safety at nuclear industry production facilities. Today, 23 company’s affiliates and subsidiaries have ecological management standard certification. More than KZT 1,19 billon was expended last year for actions aimed at minimization of negative environmental impact, including reduction of fugitive emissions, enhancement of efficiency of existing dust and gas collecting installations and water purification units.

One of the major company’s courses in social responsibility is charity and sponsor activity. In 2014 Kazatomprom allocated more than KZT 200 million for sponsorship and charitable projects.

– In 2015 our company has new tasks. Considering an unstable uranium price, together with production growth, we have to settle the issues of cost reduction under JSC “Samruk-Kazyna” program “Anti-recessionary measures for 2015”, master rare-earth metal technology and bring PV modules of Kazakhstani origin to competitive production cost. We plan to improve our operational and financial indicators, - stated the head of the company.

Nurlan Kapparov reported on the development of the company’s strategic initiatives under Transformation program, aimed at improvement of efficiency factors and Kazatomprom’s value enhancement. He noted that Transformation program requires a number of changes within the company, but all social guarantees of the employees, as well as their jobs will be preserved.

Famous journalist, expert of corporate fund “Center of social partnership” Arthur Platonov told in details about the progress in implementation of Transformation program.
