Head of the National Atomic Company visited uranium production site, viewed the site, proposed for deployment of the IAEA low-enriched uranium bank, visited «Mashzavod» LLP and «ULBA» central cultural center, had a meeting with the Board members of «ULBA Metallurgical Plant» JSC.

The greatest importance during the visit was attached by Kazatomprom’s CEO to the prospects of development of ULBA Metallurgical Plant. Nurlan Kapparov noted that an important role is given to the enterprise in Kazatomprom’s plans related to establishing of company with full nuclear fuel cycle. In order to do so, issues related to implementation of the project on establishing of joint Kazakhstan-Chinese production of fuel assemblies are under study. Besides, the issues related to non-core assets of UMP were discussed at the meeting with Board members.

During the visit to «Kazakhstan Solar Silicon» LLP Nurlan Kapparov examined the technology and problems of PV wafers and cells production and gave a number of instructions to address them.
