Kazatomprom’s CEO Nurlan Kapparov presented to the management of JSC “SWF “Samruk-Kazyna” the development of strategic initiative of the national atomic company under Transformation program. The document, developed by international consultants, provides improvement of the Company’s investment and operational efficiency, as well as production rate.

Nurlan Kapparov elaborated in detail on the Company’s development strategy, its goals and tasks, as well as principal stages of strategic initiatives implementation under Transformation program.

- We have developed principal strategic areas. The way the Company plans to move forward, our role in nuclear fuel delivery. Our strategic approaches should correlate with transformation process, - noted the head of the atomic company.

Kazakhstan is one of the leaders in production and sales of uranium products on the global market. Currently the country provides 38% of the world uranium production.

- The Company’s major task is to raise its intrinsic value. The head of the state instructed to make a twofold increase of the company’s value in the next five years. I think that our company will complete this task successfully. From a leader in uranium production we could become an important player in nuclear fuel supply, the so called fuel assemblies which include all spectrum of value added to uranium products. Nothing matters more than to become a reliable supplier. It is one of the most important aspects in nuclear industry. It is that niche that we want to take. Transformation project will help us to achieve these goals, - stated N.Kapparov.

Chairman of the Board of SWF “Samruk-Kazyna” Umirzak Shukeev has appealed to divest non-core assets and encouraged the development of Kazatomprom’s strategic initiatives under Transformation program. Upon approval of the document the national atomic company will proceed to implementation of transformation program.
