The results of annual national industrial contest “Gold Hephaestus” held under the auspices of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan were summed up in Astana.
«Gold Hephaestus» was awarded to NAC Kazatomprom JSC in nomination “The best energy-saving solution”. National Atomic Company took the premier place for the project «Reactive-power compensation in 0,4-6 kv, 0,4-10 kv circuits in the mines Akdala, Southern Inkai, Khorassan”.
The ceremony of awarding the winners was taken within the 6 International congress «Astana Mining and Metallurgy». The event was attended by representatives of state authorities and mining and metallurgical enterprises.
Altogether 110 participants in 12 nominations were competed for the title of the best in mining and metallurgical sector. The main criteria in selecting a winner were the indicators for the application of innovative technologies, new approaches, economic and social efficiency, etc.
«Gold Hephaestus» – is a national prize awarded to employees and companies of mining complex as well as to the specialists of design, scientific, educational institutions and enterprises pretended to be the best in mining and metallurgy.