The Chief Executive Officer of the National Atomic Company “Kazatomprom” visited South-Kazakhstan region. During this trip, Kazatomprom’s CEO Askar Zhumagaliyev has met with Akim of South-Kazakhstan region Beibut Atamkulov and discussed bilateral cooperation. Special attention at the meeting was paid to the relocation of Kazatomprom’ subsidiaries.

Relocation of the offices of Kazatomprom’s mining enterprises is carried out under the order of the Head of the State. It is expected, that relocation of the offices will produce beneficial effect on the social and economic development of the region as well as will increase the efficiency of enterprises’ operation.

The central offices of “Ortalyk” LLP and JV Inkai LLP were among the first, which moved to South-Kazakhstan region. By the end of the month the relocation of the headquarters of APPAK LLP, JV Akbastau JSC, JV Zarechnoye JSC and Karatau LLP will be finished. During 2015, all eight subsidiaries of the national company will relocate to Shymkent.

Askar Zhumagaliyev thanked Akim for the support given to the enterprises in their relocation noting that Kazatomprom will continue to be fully engaged in social and economic development of the region.

The Chief Executive Officer of the National Atomic Company informed about fulfillment of the obligations specified in the memorandum on the development of local content as 128%. Kazatomprom has purchased products from the local entrepreneurs and manufacturers in the amount of KZT 5,9 billion.

Besides, according to memorandum on social and economic development of the region the company intends to transfer 12 social facilities to the Akimat by the end of the year additionally allocating KZT 88 mln to keep and maintain them in the current year. At the same time, Kazatomprom will appropriate KZT 800 mln to regional budget for the construction of new social facilities. Thus, the company will continue to render an assistance to uranium mining provinces, particularly, in the current month due to financing of Kazatomprom’s subsidiary in the settlement Tasty of the Suzak region, the construction of the kindergarten for 50 children has been completed.

During his trip Askar Zhumagaliyev visited uranium mines, administrative offices of the relocated subsidiaries and associated companies and held meetings on the enterprises’ current activities.
