During the workshop, held in Almaty on April 28-29, Kazatomprom summed up the works in 2014 in the field of occupational, environmental, nuclear and radiological safety at Holding enterprises, and outlined the tasks for the current year.

Senior management of the national company, representatives from enterprises of the Group, state authorities and public institutions participated in the meeting.

As is known, Kazatomprom enterprises on continuing basis holds activities aimed at addressing the issues of occupational safety, reduction of environmental impact and improvement of environmental management system, as well as improvement of radiological safety systems.

As the result of the measures taken, last year the number of detected violations of H&S requirements is 28% less vs. in 2013.

Currently, 23 Kazatomprom enterprises introduced environmental management system ISO-14001 and health and occupational safety management OHSAS 18001. Last year under these standards “Karatau” LLP, “ME Ortalyk” LLP and “Kyzylkum” LLP were certified.

In 2014 more than KZT 1,19 billion were appropriated by Kazatomprom on measures to minimize negative impact on the environment, including the reduction of fugitive emissions, enhancement of efficiency of existing dust and gas collectors and water treatment plants.

Number of services, performing production control over occupational, environmental, radiological and nuclear safety at Kazatomprom enterprises is 472 persons.

This year, to upgrade staff knowledge, more than 240 employees from enterprises were trained on radiological safety courses. In the Committee for Atomic and Energetic supervision and control of the Ministry of energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan were certified 13 persons, responsible for radiological safety and control at enterprises.

Besides, the results of annual competition on occupational, environmental and radiological safety among Kazatomprom subsidiaries and affiliates were summed up during the workshop. The first place was given to “Stepnoye RU” LLP, the second place to “RU-6” LLP and “Karatau” LLP took the third place in the top three. Enterprises-winners were awarded with monetary prizes and certificates of honors.

In 2015 the activity on occupational, environmental and radiological safety will be continued according to Company’s strategic tasks.
