According to the results of the 2nd quarter of 2015, uranium production volume in the Republic of Kazakhstan (SMCC not included) amounted to 5,883 tons, which corresponds to the planned figures.

Kazatomprom’s uranium production volume, with the shares in subsidiary and affiliated enterprises, made up 3,177 tU.

Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC produced 414.76 tons of beryllium products, 40.12 tons of tantalum and 14.75 tons of niobium ones.

MAEC-Kazatomprom LLP generated 1,134.36 mln. kWh of electrical power, 765 thous. Gcal of heat energy and produced 285.7 mln.m3 of water, including 2.88 mln. m3 of drinking water, for residents of Mangistau region and Aktau city. These figures meet region’s needs in energy resources and water.

CJSC «Uranium Enrichment Center» carried out works on production and shipment of the enriched uranium product in the amount of 1,621,267.7 SWU (separative work units).

JV SARECO LLP produced 1.4 tons of bulk concentrate of rare earth metals in the second quarter of 2015.

Astana Solar LLP produced 6786 panels, which is equal to 1.844 MW of energy.