On December 15, 2014 national atomic company held a solemn meeting devoted to Kazakhstan’s Independence Day celebration. Nurlan Kapparov, the CEO of NAC Kazatomprom JSC, congratulated the personnel and highlighted the achievements of the sovereign state in social and economic development.

“The achievements of our state are the merits of atomic industry workers as well who by their daily and painstaking work contribute to the development of the country”, N. Kapparov said.

By the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan the best 9 workers of Kazatomprom were honored with state awards. The Order of Kurmet was awarded to Sergey Yashin, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NAC Kazatomprom JSC, Zharkynbek Ospanov, Managing Director, Social Issues & Public Relations, NAC Kazatomprom JSC, Seylkhan Kabayev, Director General of Appak LLP; Medal “Eren Enbegi Ushin (For Labour)” was awarded to Belgebay Burkurmanov, Director of «Budyonovskoye-2», Karatau LLP, Nurgazy Khudibayev, maintenance foreman of the repair works of MAEC-Kazatomprom LLP, Pyotr Lysenko, geophysicist of Logging Service, JV Inkai LLP, Malik Amanbayev, technician-repair man, LLP «Producing enterprise «Ortalyk», Vasiliy Fyodorov, shift foreman of hydrometallurgical section of beryllium production of UMP JSC; Certificate of Honor of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded to Valentina Gorkun, scientific secretary of Institute of High Technologies LLP.

The Head of State set a task before the Government of Kazakhstan and Samruk-Kazyna companies on the country’s entering the top 30 developed states of the world. Nurlan Kapparov noted that Kazatomprom makes maximum use of its potential, resources and knowledge to improve its efficiency and operating and financial performances.
