The International Scientific Forum “Nuclear Science and Technologies”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, was held on September 12-15, 2017 in Almaty. For 60 years the Institute of Nuclear Physics has become a recognized worldwide scientific center in nuclear and radiation physics, physics of nuclear reactors and charged particle accelerators, solid state physics, radiation materials science, radioecology, radiochemistry, radiopharmaceutical and development of nuclear and radiation technologies.

The International Advisory Council and the Organization Committee of the Forum included the leading experts in nuclear physics, nuclear energy, radiation materials science, radiation ecology and nuclear medicine from many countries of the world, as well as the representatives of several international organizations.

This Forum united several events important for the scientific community: the traditional 11th International Conference “Nuclear and Radiation Physics”, the International Conference “Nucleus-2017” and the 8th Eurasian Conference “Nuclear Science and its Applications”. About 250 scientists from 18 countries of the near and far abroad took part in the work of the Forum.

The program of the Forum included 4 Sessions, where the leading scientists from different countries of the world discussed the topical issues of fundamental and applied nuclear physics, radiation physics of a solids, radiation ecology, methods of analysis in radioecology and nuclear forensics, nuclear and radiation methods in medicine and industry, as well as specialists training.

The Round Table Meeting “Research Reactors: Safety, Use, Resource Management” took place within the framework of the Forum, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the research reactor WWR-K start-up, where the representatives of IAEA, CJSC “SNIIP-Systematom”, JSC “Institute of Reactor Materials”, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, CJSC “National Center of Nuclear Research of Azerbaijan”, RSE “Institute of Nuclear Physics” Almaty provided the presentations.

The exhibition of equipment and software for nuclear energy, ecology and medicine was organized during the Forum.

The meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s participation in the International Intergovernmental Scientific Research Organization “Joint Institute for Nuclear Research” also took place. At present, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research includes 18 states and 6 associated member states.

At the Plenary Session devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, in the presence of honorary guests and forum participants, the RSE “Institute of Nuclear Physics”, Almaty signed off the bilateral cooperation agreements with the Institute of Radiation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).