On 22 June, 2015, on the coast of Issyk-Kul lake (Kyrgyzstan) there was opening of the XI Summer School for employees of NAC Kazatomprom.

Over 50 representatives of subsidiaries of the national company will take part in the annual event. Young specialists and researchers of Kazatomprom’s enterprises will get new knowledge and management skills, learn and improve their qualification, develop spirit of corporate solidarity in the Summer School.

During this event it is also planned to sum up the results and award the winners of innovation and research project competition among company’s employees, to have sporting events and trainings in personal and communication skills.

At the end of the Summer School 2015 all participants will be awarded the certificates and the winning team will be awarded the gifts and the Cup.

The event is organized by the corporate university of NAC Kazatomprom – Kazakhstan Nuclear University LLP.
