Kazakhstan has retained its leading position in the world as the largest natural uranium producer. In 2015 the enterprises included in Kazatomprom holding produced over 23 800 tU (101% vs.plan), including uranium output of the national atomic company inclusive of participatory interest in subsidiary and associated companies, which amounted to 13 000 tU (102% vs.plan).

Volume of tantalum production by Ulba plant was 141, 251 t, niobium production – 96,944 t, beryllium production – 1 687, 136 t.

For consumers of Mangistau oblast and Aktau city MAEC-Kazatomprom» generated 4 890 850 kW/h of electric energy, 3 592 339 Gcal of heat energy, 1 214 511 thousand m3 of water, including 11 397 thousand m3 of drinking water.

Uranium Enrichment Center CJSC produced 5 107 417 SWU of the enriched uranium product.
