To give effect to the principles of socially-responsible business, Kazatomprom’s CEO Nurlan Kapparov and Akim of Kyzylorda oblast Krymbek Kuscherbayev signed a Memorandum of Understanding under socio-economic development of Kyzylorda oblast for 2015-2016 in Astana on December 19th, 2014.

Within the framework of bilateral agreement, national atomic company undertakes obligations on socio-infrastructural development, enhancing the well-being and living standards of the citizens of the region.

«NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC will participate in the activities of social and economic stabilization of the region, including the activities aimed at protection of labor rights of the employees of the Company’s subsidiaries, creation of new and preservation of existing jobs.

Besides, «NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC transfers all social facilities reflected in the balance sheet of the Company to municipal ownership of Kyzylorda oblast together with financial assets to maintenance in the amount KZT 1,6 billion for 2015-2016. 20-bed medical unit, kindergarten for 280 places, cultural and sports center with the stadium, “Arman” recreation center, sauna complex, hotel complex, “Shieli-Energoservice” LLP will be transferred to Akimat.

Under the Memorandum, national atomic company will also finance the construction of maternity hospital for 150 places and outpatient hospital, receiving 50 visits in Kyzyolda city to the amount KZT 1,6 billion.

In 2015 in order to increase the effectiveness of the Company, relocation from Almaty to Kyzyolrda of “NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC’s subsidiaries, mining uranium products in Kyzyorda oblast, will take place. Relocation of offices of the companies to the region will give additional impetus for development and create “social lifts” to the citizens of the region.

«NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC