Yesterday, the memorandum of understanding and strategic cooperation between RSE “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and private institution Rusatom International Network that is an affiliated enterprise of State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” was signed in Moscow in the framework of VIII International Forum “ATOMEXPO -2016”.

The signatories became Alexander Merten, President of Rusatom International Network and Erlan Batyrbekov, Director General of RSE “National Nuclear Center of RK”.

We have been carrying out joint research with “Rosatom” for long years particularly in liquidation of weapon of mass destruction in Semipalatinsk Test Site including reduction of threat from using weapon and consequences of nuclear tests”- said E. Batyrbekov.

As noted E. Batyrbekov, the work between RSE “NNC RK” and “Rosatom” within the program is also carried in reduction of uranium content, fuel dilution from research reactors up to the level when it will be safe in terms of nonproliferation.

“We carry out extensive scientific research in different range. Recently, we conducted negotiations on testing fuel, which will be produced at plants of Russian Federation for future IV Generation reactors, at our experimental nuclear base”- explained E. Batyrbekov.

“National Nuclear Center” in these issues is without any modesty ahead of the rest of the world. We test fuel for Japan and French fast reactors. Currently, American fuel manufacturers addressed to us on this and the Russian Federation is our historical partner” shared with work achievements the General Director of NNC RK.

Commenting on the situation with implementation of project “Tokamak KTM” constructed under assistance of Russian scientists in Kurchatov city, E. Batyrbekov noted that it is planned to complete work in 2017. It should be noted that it is only one “Tokamak” facility designed to solve tasks in materials science.

E. Batyrbekov said that completion of the work is linked to conducting international exhibition “EXPO-2017 Future Energy”. He emphasized: “As I see, the future energy is thermonuclear synthesis”.

In this regard, E. Batyrbekov noted that work being conducted is integrated in peaceful policy mentioned by Head of State and is reflected in manifest “Peace. XXI century”.

“Science should not have double use. The science should be aimed at creating peace”-noticed he. Talking about peaceful policy, NNC Director General also noted the initiative to establish Low Enriched Uranium Bank” in the territory of Kazakhstan.

“It is one of next steps in peaceful policy of Kazakhstan, Head of our State and all Kazakhstan people. If Kazakhstan locate Bank of Nuclear Fuel, Kazakhstan becomes the important player in chain of nuclear power development in the world”- said E. Batyrbekov.

In addition, he emphasized that establishing Low Enriched Uranium Bank reflects the confidence of external partners in Kazakhstan.

“The fact that Kazakhstan establishes Low Enriched Uranium Bank in Kazakhstan shows great confidence in us as a partner which has gained experience in work with nuclear fuel and also experience of political partner and country which struggles for the peace in the world and nuclear nonproliferation.

In this regard, he noted that the most optimal place for establishing Low Enriched Uranium Bank is Ulba Metallurgic Plant as it has all necessary characteristics and infrastructure.