The meeting was opened by Erlan Batyrbekov, Director General of the National Nuclear Center of RK.

Prior to agenda items discussion Erlan Gadletovich announced information on agreement, concluded between Kazakhstan and Russia on cooperation for NPP construction in our country. Vladimir Shkolnik, Minister of Energy signed the agreement on behalf of Kazakhstan, and on behalf of Russia – Sergey Kirienko, Director General of the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”.

East Kazakhstan and Balkhash are currently considered as possible sites for nuclear power plant construction. Absolutely, NNC RK members will actively participate in the process of construction of the first NPP, the enterprise is ready to provide scientific and technical support for NPP construction in Kazakhstan.

This is why the first item in agenda was consideration of IRSE proposal on the system of NPP ecological monitoring in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ecological monitoring includes site surveillance such as: outside air; precipitations; soil; hydrosphere, including surface and subsurface waters; natural and agricultural biota; population. During implementation of the current program a system of NPP complex ecological monitoring as component element of the joint system of the State Environmental Monitoring will be established for independent State Control upon population and environmental impact. After discussion of above mentioned agenda item the decision was taken on Scientific and Technical Support Program development for NPP construction.

In the course of the meeting proposals were considered on adjustment of work volumes in accordance with allocated funding for 2015 upon scientific and technical programs “Nuclear Power Engineering Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “Scientific and Technical Support for Kazakhstani Material Testing Reactor KTM Construction and Operation”.

Sergey Lukashenko, Director of IRSE presented updated direction and tasks of activity “Protection of the Former STS”. Under the current activity works will be continued in 2015 on monitoring of the former STS borders, physical barriers at radiation hazardous sites, economic agents activity; experimental determination of migration parameters of radionuclides in food chain soil-plant-animals; remediation operations will be carried out with subsequent evaluation of remediation efficiency, physical inventory of radiation hazardous sites, including remote radioactive fallout zone, conduction of preliminary radioecological studies of the south-western part and final radioecological surveys at south-western part of STS.

M.K. Skakov, Director of IAE branch shared his experience on high qualify personnel training.

Model of the present doctorate is being applied for several years in our country, directed to training of qualitatively new format of young scientist, freely orientable in scientific space. Only for 3 years about 600 PhD Doctoral Candidates were trained in Kazakhstani Higher Educational Institutions, about 200 of them were doctorated currently.

RSE NNC RK provides conditions for Doctor of Science PhD graduation. Connection is established between training and production processes, one of the effective methods of which became establishment of two chairs “Physics, Technical Physics” at the East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D. Serikbaev and Semey State University named after Shakarim.

Today 7 Doctoral Candidates work at NNC enterprises, who combine work with training. Four of them passed traineeship in Germany and Poland, 2 of them will maintain doctoral theses in Al-Farabi KazNU in November of the current year.

There are many issues in this field which are to be resolved. For instance, system of rules for academic degree, academic title confirmation, obtained in near abroad is not worked out in RK yet.

Using accumulated positive experience in the field of personnel training, a decision was taken on new partners searching among universities for chair establishment in the sphere of radioecology.
The last item of agenda was consideration of prospective projects of RSE NNC RK, which will be submitted in call for scientific studies grand financing for 2015-2017 years.