A delegation from “Rosatom” State Corporation headed by Deputy Director General – Director on Investment Management Division – Vyacheslav Pershukov made a working visit to the National Nuclear Center of RK.

During the visit Russian delegation visited some NNC objects: laboratory buildings, KTM Tokamak, EAGLE-1 test bench, STS museum, the meeting where the issues concerning scientific-technical cooperation prospects in peaceful use of atomic energy and international work experience with foreign partners were discussed.

The working meeting was opened by Erlan Batyrbekov, Director General of NNC who provides the information of NNC RK activity in the field of atomic energy use.

The Russian delegation has presented a project on construction of research nuclear facility with multi-purpose research reactor with fast neutrons (MBIR). This project has been implementing within the Russian Federal Target Program “Nuclear Power Technologies of New Generation for 2010-2015 and for the perspective up to 2020". Reactor commissioning is scheduled to be completed in 2020.
Unique technical characteristics of MBIR will allow to solve a wide spectra of research tasks in justification of constructing new competitive and secure nuclear power facilities including fast neutron reactors for nuclear fuel cycle closure.

The International Research Center will be established at the base of MBIR (hereinafter Center).

The Center format, possible participation of foreign partners in creation of infrastructure for researches, preferential terms in realization of scientific programs also became the subject of discussion during the working meeting.

An important outcome of the meeting was discussion concerning the following cooperation between “Rosatom” State Corporation and RSE NNC RK. In particular, the development of joint operations program in the sphere of radioecology is planned using unique methods and practices of NNC researches which were greatly appreciated by Russian colleagues. Also the issues of joint researches in the sphere of nuclear power, personnel training in the field of nuclear power and others will be considered.