On December 08, the regular session of RSE NNC RK Scientific and Technical Council was held. Employees from NNC RK, the Institute of Geophysical Research and also specialists of the Institute of Nuclear Physics (Almaty city) online took part in it.

Within two working days, the results of work conducted under budget programs covering various directions of activity have been considered. The participants heard more than 30 reports.

Thus, Alexander Vurim presented the results of research in substantiation of fast neutron reactors safety. The tasks assigned for report period 2015 have been fully completed. At the following working stage in 2016, it is planned to produce physical mock-up of ID-5 experimental device, to prepare and to carry out physical research at IGR reactor.

Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology develops the methods for conducting environmental monitoring during NPP operation, the working results were presented by Nataliya Larionova. In 2015, the character of radionuclides distribution has been analyzed by separate biogeocenosis components, the work on determination quantitative data of radionuclide content in separate biogeocenosis components and the estimation of radionuclide ratio in separate biogeocenosis components were carried out.

Based on the parameters of focal earthquake mechanisms, N. Poleshko told about research of seismotectonic setting of areas in which Kazakhstan nuclear power facilities are located. To carry out research, 3 geographical areas with three research reactors (VVR-K, IGR, and IVG-1) and Low Enriched Uranium Bank (LEUB) were selected. The outcome of the work was the establishing of reliable information and program-methodological base to study seismotectonic deformations of location areas for selected nuclear power facilities in 2016-2017.
STC session became an excellent discussion platform. The participants of the session presented the results of work on STS, VVR-K Reactor, KTM Tokamak and others.
