“Kazakhstan’s 100 Concrete Steps” nominated by the President of RK are of great significance for the development of country. This is our response to global and domestic challenges as well as plan of achieving the level of 30 developed countries in new historical context. Day by day we observe the actual implementation of all tasks assigned to us. The National Nuclear Center of RK has contributed to the strengthening of our country’s economic growth, noted by Erlan Batyrbekov, Director General of RSE NNC RK, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics in his interview to Kazinform correspondent.

“We successfully realize our mission on scientific-technical support of Kazakhstan’s policy concerning the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and peaceful use of atomic energy”.

This year marks the 25th anniversary after the signing of Decree of President of RK on Semipalatinsk Test Site closure, the history of the National Nuclear Center relates exactly to this outstanding event. Over these years a whole range of problems concerning elimination of nuclear tests infrastructure was solved, scientific-technical, technological, staff base for nuclear power development in our country was created. As of today we have been performed complex radioecological survey of more than 40% STS territory with total area of 7860 sq. km.

Currently, the enterprise has highly qualified experts with strong research experience in such areas as nuclear power, radioecology, nuclear and radiation physics and radiation materials science.

During the years of our activity we strengthened and broadened international partnerships. Our long-standing partners are organizations of Russia, USA, Japan, France, Belgium, etc. Broadening our international relations we attract investment in development of our enterprise that is a significant contribution to economic growth of our country.

Over the recent years the problem of up-to-date equipping for material study complex of the enterprise has been solved, new modern equipment for radioecological studies was acquired.

At the end of the last year new unique laboratory building was put into operation where we carry out a great complex of operations on study of radionuclides transfer into plant in controlled laboratory conditions.

All our work is aimed firstly at tasks set by the Head of State assigned to us. Achieving successful results in scientific activity, we strengthen the prestige of our state at the global scientific arena.

I hope that all-encompassing 100 concrete steps will be successfully implemented. In order to realize all parts of plan there is a great work on consideration and adoption of new regulatory acts including commercialization of scientific activity. This will greatly reduce the gap between our scientific achievements and its adoption into production. State support, clear mechanisms of scientific research results’ commercialization will greatly contribute to considerable economic growth of our state” – said Director General of RSE NNC RK.