“Semipalatinsk Test Site has become safer than before, direct threats addressed to Kazakhstan and to the entire global community were localized” such resolution concerning STS work results were summed up by participants of “Round Table” discussion in the area of nonproliferation within VII International Conference “Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Development Prospects”.

Nuclear testing elimination at the objects of the former STS had been carried out over 15 years by significant number of specialists from Kazakhstan, Russia and USA. Reliable protective barriers were constructed at the objects and sites of the former STS.

The operations to prevent nuclear proliferation and terrorism threats relating to STS territory are unique example of international cooperation. Work participants understood that they were involved in addressing one of the global challenges facing humanity.

Over the years of joint cooperation, specialists of three countries learned to find compromises in each operation performed. The resources and forces were found in due time to be involved jointly in successful addressing of the problem.

But the main point of this cooperation and what was a shared value - mutual understanding. This experience is unique, and now we are seeing its real results – Semipalatinsk Test Site was brought to a safe condition.

STS as a large scientific laboratory is continuing to set new tasks that are better resolved through cooperation. The next meeting is proposed to be carried out after discussion of technical issues.