In the period from 6 to 10 November 2017, the branch of URS Federal Services International, Inc. (USA) in Kazakhstan within the implementation of activities under the Global Nuclear Safety program, organized a training course on the topic:" Efficiency testing to confirm the qualities" in George Kuzmicz Training Center for Nuclear Safety, Kiev.

The employees of the Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control Committee of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the chief expert of the Department of Supervision and Control of Electro-Heat Producing Stations Suttykova Gulzada Amitovna and the chief expert of the Department of Supervision and Control over Electric Networks and Electrical Installations of Consumers Kartkozhina Gulnur Esimkhanovna completed the training course.

The courses purpose is to develop competences for increasing the effectiveness check to confirm the qualities, and in particular on the physical protection, accounting and control of nuclear materials.

The training course was attended by representatives of 3 countries, including the United States, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

The employees of the URS Federal Services International, Inc. (USA) on the part of USA, representatives of URS Federal Services International, Inc. (USA) in Kazakhstan and specialists of the training center of the Institute for Nuclear Safety named after George Kuzmicz, Kiev, as well as employees of the National Guard of Ukraine were in the capacity of trainers.

The course includes lectures on the cycle, the regime of non-proliferation of nuclear materials, detection and control systems. Also, issues related to nuclear activities were discussed in detail by means of providing wider access to information in nuclear facilities and to the sites where they are located. In addition to the lectures, the course includes practical exercises with special software and group work, which allowed using the theoretical material studied on specific examples and models. Training exercises were held in the training ground of the Institute for Nuclear Safety in Kiev with the practical application of security equipment, security systems and video surveillance systems. Also, at training exercises, the following testing were done: of the seismic and vibration detection equipment, of determination of the radar detection zones, of the video surveillance equipment and alarm assessment, of the access procedures to the security area, and of the procedure for accessing vehicles to the security area of ​​the training ground.
At the end of the course, the trainees were awarded certificates.