The annual training course on nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness was conducted in the National Nuclear Center within the period from August 01 to August 04, 2016. The course aim is to form basic ideas on measures for timely and effective response to radiation emergency.

During training course, lectures and practical sessions were held.

NNC RK workers early trained in such courses in Japan (A.M Kubenov, A.I Perepelkin, S.E Sal’menbayev, E.S Tur) and experts from Japan Atomic Energy Agency (M.Sawada and M.Sato) were as course lecturers and instructors.

The present course has been conducted annually from 2012 as part of the trilateral cooperation between Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and National Nuclear Center of RK. Over three years, 48 employees of the National Nuclear Center have been trained in this course.