The delegation of the Institute of Nuclear Physics including the General Director Sakhiyev S.K. and the Head of CERC Gluchshenko V.N. had the meeting on the 6th of May in Atyrau with the Governor of Atyrau region Nogaev N.A. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Governor Nakpayev S.Zh. and the Head of Apparat of this region governor Baspayev E.Zh.

During the meeting, the regional administration was informed about the visit of IAEA Deputy General Director T.Variorant at the “Azgir” test site planned in June this year. The expected program of visit was discussed and the participation of Atyrau region governor apparat in organization and hosting of the visit of T.Variorant of Atyrau region was agreed.

The regional administration has been also informed about the results of the Institute of Nuclear Physics activities for maintaining of the radiation situation at “Azgir” test site and complex radio-ecological monitoring.

It was stated that the radiation situation remains stable at the present time at “Azgir” test site, the surrounding areas and the settlements and it is not hazardous for public health and the environment. Regular informing of the population and the public about the current radioecological situation according to the results of monitoring studies at the public hearings, public meetings enabled the social tension and the level of population radio-phobia to be significantly reduced.

Institute of Nuclear Physics